Face of TEP – 2022

I am Egbuchulam chiweta onyejebechukwu Favour. I was born in August 25th.
I hail from Ndoni Egbema, Rivers state. I am the only daughter among sons.

My favourite color is Blue. My best subject is chemistry because of organic chemistry.
I am a foodie but my favourite combo is fried rice, well garnished grilled chicken along with natural pineapple and coconut juice. According to my friends I am a barbie doll because of my extraordinary beauty.

I am lover of  Godly things like preaching the gospel and singing in the choir. My hobbies are Singing, cooking, reading, baking, volleyball. My priorities are God, saving lives, helping the needy.

I am a tall, slim, fair skinned Girl. A girl full of vibes and big dreams. I love modelling, I wish to become a brand ambassador to many well known firms because I know I have the capacity and God-given natural beauty.  Above ,all I am God fearing, honest, loving, caring.

I am happy to be part of the team @theearthpulse.

We are always creating awareness on having a healthy, sustainable and renewable environment.

At The Earth Pulse, we believe in Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. We urge people to cut down on what they throw away, following the three “R’s” to conserve natural resources and landfill space.

My Resolution:

I shall volunteer for cleanups in  communities.

I shall ensure people  understand the importance and value of our natural resources. Therefore a I shall embark on awareness campaign in order to help people maintain a healthy and sustainable environment.

I understand that, the less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually ends up in the ocean. I shall do the best I can to reduce waste.

I choose to be sustainable. I reuse, recycle, reduce wastes.

I shop wisely. I buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag.


I use energy efficient light bulbs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. I flip the light switch off when I leave the room.

I shall plant trees for trees provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air, and combat climate change.

I will not send chemicals into waterways, to avoid water pollution and blockage.

I choose non-toxic chemicals in the home and office to avoid pollution and for safety especially because of kids .

I Bike more and drive less to reduce pollution.

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